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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Planing for immediate and long term success

Task 1: Transcript Check and Diploma Checklist
Task 2: Blog Post: You in 10 Years

I. Where do I want to be in ten years?
1. Graduated from school.
2.Working in the construction or in some work that pays well.
3.Have a family
4.Have 2 kids
6.Well know
8.Hard Worker
9.Living in the US
10 With a beautiful partner.

II. What can I do now to get there?
1. Graduate High School
2.Get college info
3. Get my Diploma
4.Get started on a job
5.Getting Experienced
6.Getting Finished with my intership
7.Go to college

Task 3: Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal

My first impression wen i first started my service learning was a wow because well i had never been so close to a hand on hand job that includes all the machinery and different types of equipment that need in the job and i though it was going to be hard. My work right know is as easy as i could of wondered it would be practically i know everything that needs to be done to in that job i know the basics.What i learned about this profession is that this is not only and one man job and that wen something needs to be done its needs to be done quickly and perfect and only on what the client car needs. learning with other people as in workers getting advise from them getting along in one way or another can be useful wen your stuck in a difficult situation that involves on the vehicle.Positive experience that i had in my placement that i had is learning stuff that i had never seen or though that could be possible to fix. Negative experiences only one but doesn't really matter what other people think or what they care but mostly none. what i look up to to the last few weeks is getting it over with.

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