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Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Task Two: Blog Post

1. Well my attitude right know is good but normally i react to it in a bad or good attitude depends whats going on or what i am going through.

2. My attitude i regularly display at my service learning is a good attitude toward everybody and everything.

3. well my attitude with others depends how they treat me and how well there attitude is toward me but really if they don't have a good attitude toward me it is probably because there going through some bad time.

Task Three:


Yeah i think that my personality fits with my type of work i am doing in my intern get along with other workers. so i think with my personality ill have not that many challenges with the career i want to pursue. Any positive experience i had in the my last week of my intern well in way good experience got to do my last car maintenance and it was awesome what i dint new before, i know now and got to used it as my advantage i got finished with that car maintenance quick and easy.Something negative not really all my experiences were all good. well no in the upcoming weeks nothing because in done with my intern and well fell good that i had this chance to experience this hand on and well nothing much.

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