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Monday, May 17, 2010

Creating your resume

Task One: The only work 2 working experienced i had is working at a restaurant in the mall and working at my learning placement and yeah i had some experienced and most likely like working on some hands on work that's were im most skilled at and i am okay in multi-tasking and in typing skills i am good but not perfect not yet.

Task Three:
The skills that i possess that are unique to me are well i am good on hands on work like working with my hands and stuff like construction and auto mechanics and working in the yard stuff like that.My career path that i would like to pursued is construction or something like that, that involves a good pay what i would do is to continue to learn from my family that works there and get some hints and suggestions for this career.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Task Two: Blog Post

1. Well my attitude right know is good but normally i react to it in a bad or good attitude depends whats going on or what i am going through.

2. My attitude i regularly display at my service learning is a good attitude toward everybody and everything.

3. well my attitude with others depends how they treat me and how well there attitude is toward me but really if they don't have a good attitude toward me it is probably because there going through some bad time.

Task Three:


Yeah i think that my personality fits with my type of work i am doing in my intern get along with other workers. so i think with my personality ill have not that many challenges with the career i want to pursue. Any positive experience i had in the my last week of my intern well in way good experience got to do my last car maintenance and it was awesome what i dint new before, i know now and got to used it as my advantage i got finished with that car maintenance quick and easy.Something negative not really all my experiences were all good. well no in the upcoming weeks nothing because in done with my intern and well fell good that i had this chance to experience this hand on and well nothing much.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Planing for immediate and long term success

Task 1: Transcript Check and Diploma Checklist
Task 2: Blog Post: You in 10 Years

I. Where do I want to be in ten years?
1. Graduated from school.
2.Working in the construction or in some work that pays well.
3.Have a family
4.Have 2 kids
6.Well know
8.Hard Worker
9.Living in the US
10 With a beautiful partner.

II. What can I do now to get there?
1. Graduate High School
2.Get college info
3. Get my Diploma
4.Get started on a job
5.Getting Experienced
6.Getting Finished with my intership
7.Go to college

Task 3: Blog Post: Service Learning Weekly Journal

My first impression wen i first started my service learning was a wow because well i had never been so close to a hand on hand job that includes all the machinery and different types of equipment that need in the job and i though it was going to be hard. My work right know is as easy as i could of wondered it would be practically i know everything that needs to be done to in that job i know the basics.What i learned about this profession is that this is not only and one man job and that wen something needs to be done its needs to be done quickly and perfect and only on what the client car needs. learning with other people as in workers getting advise from them getting along in one way or another can be useful wen your stuck in a difficult situation that involves on the vehicle.Positive experience that i had in my placement that i had is learning stuff that i had never seen or though that could be possible to fix. Negative experiences only one but doesn't really matter what other people think or what they care but mostly none. what i look up to to the last few weeks is getting it over with.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Study Skills

Task #1.

  1. Get to class on time -- I get up early in the morning to catch the city bus so i can get to school early and by doing that i don't be coming late even if i take the city bus. I still get there and that's good because i catch everything and pay attention and all the vital instructions in the morning.
  2. BE PREPARED -- I always be prepared for everything with pens and paper and with the assignments ready. I be always ready for the day with no delays things always handy, start assignments wen given finish them and on with the next with Nova Net and projects.
  3. Take good Notes --Always taking notes on assignments that we might need to review for a test or for some work. And always have them close when i need them written down or in the computer
  4. Get Started -- When it comes to assignments or projects i do them first i know that they are easy and that they take only 30 min or maybe a day if its long.
  5. Finish - I always finish what i started but if i dint get to finish it. The next day if i dint finish an assignment on Nova Net but if its a test on Nova Net i finish it instead on the next day on Nova Net.

Task #2.

  1. Get ready to take notes, take good notes
  2. Bring all the note taking materials to class. Have several pens and pencils as well as your notebook with me
  3. Complete all your assignments before class
  4. Pay good attention to what teacher is saying
  5. Write quickly so you can include all the important info the notes

Part b.

1. Excessive procrastination can cause you to start something but not completing it

2. Procrastination make task difficult and make you lack skills and abilities needed to accomplish and assignment.

3. Procrastination can also make students confused making them unsure about how to start and assignment and how exactly it should be done.

4. What you can do to help procrastination Commit yourself to complete and assignment once you had started.

5. Motivate yourself to work on a task with thoughts like " Nobody Perfect " something that can motivate you to stay on task.

When you have completed both Task #1 and #2, notify your advisor that both tasks have been completed.

Task #3

Okay so far its been good in my service learning and what i had learned in there are a lot of different things ever since i started. I gotten better at this, changing tires, oil, and just paying attention on what is needed to do there. I have have gotten a lot of experience for this that i can use for my advantage in life in auto mechanics and dealing with workers there.Experiences that i had well mostly changing the fuel tank and changing tires and oil from a car by my self. Any negative experiences that i had there None yet.Well i am hopping that the upcoming weeks go great and with more different things.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

workplace safety

Task One: There is many potential hazards at learning placement involved heavily with heavy machinery,and the potential hazards are working with cars and working with compressed air guns for tire changing. And in this particular placement were i work and learn, there some particular rules that must be fallowed and some obvious rules that u already should know and that must be fallowed at all time this work depends highly on the responsibility of the worker for this work/learning placement.

Task Two:Her is what i learn in my learning placement always pay attention to what your doing if u get distracted wich u shouldn't be getting distracted or paying attention to what other people are doing. Stop and continue once your done on what ever u got distracted wen your working with heavy machinery always use precautions. When under something with hydraulics never stand under because you will never know wen the hydraulics will fail and you can get seriously hurt or worst.

Task Three:
Okay well so far when they first gave me this learning placement as a mechanic by working and learning at the same time and learn what exactly they did as an employee. Working there is mostly using and working with heavy equipment like cars and trucks the mane things that we do there are like changing tires, changing the oil, working and using with big machines and small machines. Working with the machines is what is needed in the shop , the mostly things that i already new how to do, is changing tires and the oil yeah that's pretty basic i already new how to do that. The most challenging thing that was new to me was changing a fuel tank for a car, that was new to me and cool in a way. There other things that come up like changing some seals for some drain cleaning truck so it wont leak out in the road these are just some things i do in the shop sometime unexpected stuff come and others times just normal stuff like changing oil and tires and brakes for cars. I don't have any dislikes about this learning placement its pretty cool and i enjoy doing it.